
Kawsay connects infrastructure providers with people living in informal communities. Using a range of data, we provide insights to our partners and offer tools to help manage business growth, explore new markets, and track impact.
Alexander Wiegering is working as a Norman B Leventhal Fellow at the Center for Advanced Urbanism, researching in community-led sustainable social housing and diffused infrastructural systems as a Jose Miguel Beijos Fellow in the School of Architecture and Planning. He is a Peruvian Licensed Architect and Urban Designer with more than 5 years of professional experience in the public realm. Today, his immediate focus lies in improving the relationships that we as citizens and informal dwellers have with the built environment.
Andrew has several years of design and construction experience in East Africa, spending the majority of time working with MASS Design Group in Kigali, managing projects in education, health and housing in Rwanda, Uganda, Burundi and DRC. Currently completing his MS in Architecture at MIT, he is working with faculty in the Building Technology group. His research focuses on the reuse of waste construction materials with the intention of developing new materials for the framing and cladding of durable, water-proof roof systems.
Sofia Garcia is a graduate of the Humphrey Fellowship at the Special Program of Urban and Regional Studies, in DUSP. She is a social scientist and urban planner from Lima, Peru. She holds a BA in communication for development from the PUCP (Lima) and an MSc in city design and social science from the London School of Economics. Today her research practice focuses on land management policies and their relation with property rights and housing affordability. She currently works as a consultant in the Urban Planning unit for Latin America in the World Bank.
Mario Giampieri is a Master of City Planning student in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. From reconstructing and visualizing pre-colonial landscapes of New York City to using machine learning to measure urban public spaces, he focuses on using technology and spatial analysis to compliment urban planning and design across scales. His work has been featured in books and academic journals, Architect Magazine, and the Museum of the City of New York.